Start Your Self-Improvement Journey Through My Mystic Services

Our Services

A tarot reading enlightens your path and helps you decide what to do to make an informed decision about those pressing matters. No matter what it is, we can assist you. The beauty of knowing what the future holds can give you peace of mind. You have the benefit of getting a heads up on life’s challenges. Get insight on details like the energy of your aura and those who surround you.

Dream Interpretation Coming Soon!

Can’t make sense of the dream you had last night? No worries, submit your dreams to be interpreted! Includes written out analysis of dream, breaking down all major and minor points and connecting the dots for overall message. Please be as detailed as possible when describing your dream. Including the date you had the dream is helpful, but not needed. Order is delivered as a document via email.

Standard Interpretation: $25 for 1 dream interpretation. Includes straight forward analysis of your dream consisting of 1-2 pages.

Premium Interpretation: $50 for 1 dream interpretation. Includes deep dive of your dream consisting of 3-5 pages with spiritual insight.

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Tarot/Oracle Reading Coming Soon! 

Is there something in your life you wish you had more clarity and insight on? Need guidance on some issues you’re currently facing? Look no further! Submit your inquiries for a tarot reading. Includes in-depth reading using tarot and oracle cards to explore and answer your inquiries.

Learn About Astrology Coming Soon!

Astrology is a method of predicting mundane events based on the assumption that celestial bodies, specifically planets and stars in their arbitrary combinations or configurations (called constellations), determine or indicate changes in the sublunar world.

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Dream Pricing

Standard Interpretation

$25 for 1 dream interpretation. Includes straight forward analysis of your dream consisting of 1-2 pages.

Premium Interpretation

$50 for 1 dream interpretation. Includes deep dive of your dream consisting of 3-5 pages with spiritual insight.

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